« American multi-instrumentalist Marcus Miller, the last primary collaborator of jazz legend Miles Davis, has a new album. Renaissance is Miller’s eighth studio project since his debut, Suddenly, in 1983. It showcases an especially emotive 13-song collection that includes eight original compositions with richly inspired interpretations of songs by WAR, Janelle Monáe, The Jackson 5, Ivan Lins and more. »
Voice of America
« …a true musical legend. »
The Revivalist
« A circus big top felt like just the right place to hear that breathtaking trapeze-artist of the bass guitar, Marcus Miller. But Miller’s high-energy show was far from being merely the usual fast solos and crunching drum breaks of so many celebrity jazz-funk gigs. A svengali to Miles Davis on his best late-period albums, Miller is a sophisticated musical thinker as well as a finger-busting virtuoso and canny entertainer. »
The Guardian (UK)