Plaza Mayor

 Plaza Mayor

The “ROKES” – Album “Bella Italia –

Welcome back to the Beat Music 

The “ROKES” – Album “Bella Italia –

Welcome back to the Beat Music


 Cd Digital & Cd Physical & Vinyl

Single “Lacrime sul cuore”

Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

The Orchard

“The Rokes” were a successful Italian pop group in the 1960s, composed of English expatriates to Italy, singing in Italian language.
Their most successful songs included “Piangi con Me” (the original version of “Let’s Live for Today” an US hit recorded by The Grass Roots) and “Che Colpa Abbiamo Noi” (an Italian version of “Cheryl’s Going Home” by Bob Lind).
The good news is that “The Rokes” have never stopped writing and they have recently resumed playing, both in recording studio and live.
The italian producer Alberto Zeppieri and the musician Marco Bonino (“Nuovi Angeli”) helped Mike Shepstone and Bobby Posner to write and realize a new album fully with unpublished songs: half lyrics in Italian language and half songs in English, to remember their roots. A great return to the beat music.


The Rokes – Album “Bella Italia”

–        01 – Lacrime sul cuore

–        02 – Bella Italia

–        03 – Stelle nere su Torino

–        04 – Sta gia’ venendo il sole

–        05 – One eyed Betty

–        06 – Sweet Angel of mine

–        07 – Polvere

–        08 – Glorious

–        09 – Party girl

–        10 – Un cuore non ha eta’

–        11 – Santa Barbara

–        12 – Kandy store

–        13 – The mission

–        14 – Una lacrima nera






Lydia Braoude

Promotion Department

Plaza Mayor Company Ltd / Email:


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PARIS SOUS LES EAUX : La grande crue (Bande Originale du Documentaire)Music composed by Thierry MALETPerformed by The City … lire la suite
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Paris sous les eaux: La grande crue (Bande Originale du Documentaire) by Thierry Malet on Apple Music
Listen to songs from the album Paris sous les eaux: La grande crue (Bande Originale du Documentaire), including “Suspens the Latest News”, “Subway in Action”, “Open Credit” and many more. Buy the album for HK$ 58.00. Songs start at HK$ 6.00. Free with Apple Music subscription.
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DEAD ON TIME (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) composed by Marco Werba and Luigi Ferri. Performed by Bulgarian National … lire la suite
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Dead on Time (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Marco Werba on Apple Music
Listen to songs from the album Dead on Time (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), including “The Burka Chase”, “The Ambush”, “Car Chase” and many more. Buy the album for HK$ 58.00. Songs start at HK$ 6.00. Free with Apple Music subscription.
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KYAB YUL-SA – Album “Resonance d’Exils / Exile Vibration”A journey with Lobsang Chonzor, Julien Lahaye and Margaux … lire la suite
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Résonance d’exil(s) / Exile vibration by Kyab Yul-Sa on Apple Music
Listen to songs from the album Résonance d’exil(s) / Exile vibration, including “Lhamo Gour I”, “Ama Hhay Ho”, “Da Day Dawn” and many more. Buy the album for HK$ 58.00. Songs start at HK$ 6.00. Free with Apple Music subscription.

Christina GOH – Album “Blues Troubadour”

Christina GOH

Album Blues Troubadour”

Digital & Physical Distribution 

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard


Blues Troubadour ou le périple vocal de Christina Goh sur les chemins oubliés  de la création blues et trobar. La vocaliste n’est restée fidèle qu’à une seule chose : sa capacité intrinsèque à se renouveler et à explorer un univers musical qui s’affirme toujours aussi unique. De l’accordéon aux percussions en passant par le piano à queue, la guitare ou l’acapella, l’acoustique offre curieusement ici une sereine atmosphère électrique ! Contrastes inédits d’un opus – récit qui joue avec les extrêmes et qui ne nous cache rien.
Le critique Luigi Elongui disait d’elle « la voix tantôt céleste, tantôt tellurique de Christina Goh confie le tumulte des émotions au battement du tambour ou aux montées vertigineuses de son souffle ». Cela n’a jam ais été aussi vrai.
Christina Goh biographie

Christina Goh est une vocaliste, poétesse, auteure-compositrice française connue pour son style musical atypique à cheval sur le blues, la chanson réaliste et l’acid-jazz. Créatrice d’une musique conceptuelle basée sur les percussions à haute portée, la poétesse a été nominée aux IMA USA pour son écclectisme. Membre du jury des 15th Independent Music Awards aux Etats-Unis, l’artiste est également membre du Conseil d’Administration de l’Association Française pour la Percussion.

Blues Troubadour or Christina Goh’s vocal journey on the forgotten ways of blues and troubadour creation. The concept vocalist is faithful to one thing: her” ineherent capacity to renew herself and to explore a musical universe claiming its uniqueness. From the accordion to the percussions through the grand piano and the guitar, the acoustics amazingly offers an electric atmosphere! Such are the original contrasts of this opus – a narrative that plays on the extremes and doesn’t hide anything. Critic Luigi Elongui said about about Christina Goh’s voice:” Now celestial, then telluric, it let the tumult of the feelings be subdued by the beating of the drum or be merged in the vertiginous rise of its breath.” Nothing could ever be so true.

Christina Goh biography


Christina Goh is a French vocalist, of Ivorian and Caribbean descent.
Songwriter, writer and composer, member of the jury of the 15th Independent Music Awards in the United States, the poetess is a member of the Board of the French Association for Percussion.

“The afro-blues black pearl” has developed her poetic and musical concept for more than a decade. 





THE LIGHT THIEF (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Director Aktan Arym KubatMusic by Andre … lire la suite
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The Light Thief (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Andre Matthias on Apple Music
Listen to songs from the album The Light Thief (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), including “The Light Thief”, “Sad Wind”, “The Ride” and many more. Buy the album for HK$ 58.00. Songs start at HK$ 6.00. Free with Apple Music subscription.

Bobby SOLO – Album “Nuove Canzoni Italiane”


Bobby SOLO – Album “Nuove Canzoni Italiane”

Digital & Physical Distribution

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard


Bobby SOLO New Album: Iconic Singer for Iconic Songs…


The Italian artist Bobby Solo started singing in 1963, becoming very famous thanks to “Una lacrima sul viso (A tear on the face)” presented at the Sanremo Festival, the Italian music temple.
«It’s the song that made me very well known all over the world – Bobby says – and for my new album, which comes out worldwide thanks to the Plaza Mayor Company, I thought about playing it completely new and singing it in Friulian language. It adds to my German versions (“Du hast and tränen in den augen”), English (“For your love”), French (“Sur ton visage une larme”), Spanish and Japanese».
The words of “Une lagrime mi vise” are written by Alberto Zeppieri, producer and author of all the lyrics of “NUOVE CANZONI ITALIANE – New Italian Songs”, the latest album signed by Bobby Solo, with 13 unpublished songs and 2 bonuses, specially recorded for Jacques Dejean, the owner of the Plaza Mayor Company, with headquarters in London and Hong Kong. «I wrote a dozen of new songs and when he asked me some bonuses, I thought of revisiting the two most important songs in my repertoire: “Se piangi, se ridi (If you cry, if you laugh)”, winner of the Sanremo Festival in 1965 and, precisely, the “Tear”. Both with something new.

Good listening!».





Masaé Gimbayashi-Barbotte – Album «Midsummer Nocturne”

Masaé Gimbayashi-Barbotte

Album Midsummer Nocturne”

Digital & Physical Distribution 

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard

Poésie et Musique


Masaé Gimbayashi-Barbotte est une pianiste d’origine japonaise qui s’est installée en France, il y a plus de vingt ans. Fille du grand poète de Haïku son influence est portée par la poésie et la musique qui vont de pair.

Masaé avec son dernier album, est l’éclosion d’une promesse occidentale par un syncrétisme apportant notion nouvelle riche d’une consécration, de la carrière de l’Artiste. Le chemin emprunté par Masae est fait de discrétion, de choix mûris, dans une approche musicale étonnante par sa méthode, donnant l’envie de s’immerger dans la vie des compositeurs, afin de comprendre les sens des œuvres….
Grâce à Masaé, les touches blanches et noires ont fini par dominer, les notes de musiques. Les émotions provoquées par la musique sont si intenses qu’elles peuvent être comparées à un orgasme de la peau ou frisson musical. Comme, une sensation de plaisir à la fois universelle et variable. A l’écoute, vous sentez une vague d’émotion vous submerger, les larmes vous monter aux yeux, votre gorge se nouer et puis les frissons courir le long de votre colonne vertébrale ainsi que sur toute votre peau.
Vous obtenez un “cocktail émotionnel” qui se produira à chaque fois que vous entendrez un morceau ou un passage particulier.


Poetry and music


Masae Gimbayashi-Bullhead is a Japanese pianist who settled in France more than twenty years ago. Daughter of the great haiku poet His influence is carried by the poetry and the music that go together.

Masad with his latest album, is the outbreak of a Western promise by a syncretism bringing new concept rich with a consecration, the artist’s career. The path taken by Masae is made of discretion, of mature choice, in an astonishing musical approach by its method, giving the desire to immerse itself in the life of the composers, in order to understand the senses of the works ….

Thanks to Masai, the white and black Keys ended up dominating the music notes. The emotions caused by the music are so intense that they can be compared to an orgasm of the skin or musical shudder. Like, a sensation of pleasure both universal and variable. Listening, you feel a wave of emotion overwhelm you, the tears will rise to your eyes, your throat will get knotted and then the shivers run along your spine as well as all your skin.

You get an “emotional cocktail” that will occur every time you hear a particular song or passage.





Pleasure.Love .爱 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Music composed by 丁可 Dingke

Director 黄尧 Huang Yao

丁可  Dingke

Album “PLEASURE.LOVE 欢. (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”

Director 黄尧  Huang Yao

Digital & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

The Orchard



A male and a female, both in their forties, still live in the memories about their lovers and cherish the feelings when they were younger. Meanwhile, each of them visits the place and both find the lovers who are in twenties.


Dingke est un auteur-compositeur- -chanteur-interprète né en 1986 à Liuzhou en Chine. Il a une grande passion pour la musique de film, le de théâtre,  et de la danse contemporaine. Il a été nominé au  festival de film “Golden horse” à Taïwan pour le prix de la meilleure chanson de film,et au festival de film de “Hongkong film Awards” pour le prix de la meilleure musique de film “, grâce au  film “Port of call “.

En 2016, il a composé pour le film “Pleasure love” réalisé par Huang Yao. Ce film a été nominé au festival de film de Sundance.


Sa musique  est un mélange de  dream -pop, de classique contemporain  et d’ électronique , à travers une approche originale de l’utilisation de des instruments comme le piano ainsi que le quatuor à cordes et sa voix d’une tonalité magnifique. Ses musiques nous entraine dans un univers fantastique, mélancolique , mais parfois et pleins d’émotions.

Il vit et travaille en France à Paris actuellement.


Dingke was a singer-songwriter born in 1986 in Liuzhou, China. He has a great passion for film music, theatre, and contemporary dance. He was nominated for the film festival “Golden Horse” in Taiwan for the award of the best Film song, and at the film Festival “Hongkong Film Awards” for the award for Best Film Music “, thanks to the film” Port of Call “.

In 2016, he composed for the film “Pleasure Love” directed by Huang Yao. This film was nominated at the Sundance Film Festival.


His music is a mixture of dream-pop, contemporary classical and electronics, through an original approach to the use of instruments like the piano as well as the string quartet and its voice of a magnificent tonality. His music entrains us in a fantasy universe, melancholy, but sometimes and full of emotions.

He lives and works in France in Paris now.




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“BLESSED BENEFIT” (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)Director Mahmoud Al MASSADMusic Andre MATTHIASToronto Int Film … lire la suite
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Blessed Benefit (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) by Andre Matthias on Apple Music
Listen to songs from the album Blessed Benefit (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack), including “Theme from Blessed Benefit”, “Ahmad”, “This Is Not Happening” and many more. Buy the album for HK$ 58.00. Songs start at HK$ 6.00. Free with Apple Music subscription.

BLESSED BENEFIT (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Music Composed by ANDRE MATTHIAS


Album “BLESSED BENEFIT (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”

Director Mahmoud al Massad

Digital & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

The Orchard


Finding the right tone for the music of “Blessed Benefit“ was not easy but very rewarding. Mahmoud originally wanted no score at all in his film, but at some point it was decided that some musical accompaniment might be helpful after all. The film didn’t need much music and its mood needed to be just right. Not too funny, not too serious and certainly not too ethnic. So out went my original demo and several more abstract attempts at a musical identity. At this point I cold easily have panicked, but Mahmoud expressed a wonderful trust in me and carefully guided me towards what he had in mind. So instead of playing around with abstract ideas, we tackled the two most important scens of the movie first. Once we had nailed those, we carefully wove our way back to the rest of the score, and to my surprise I found that my original thematic ideas still worked. I only had to present them in a different arrangement. Everything went smooth from then on and I have to thank Mahmoud for his patience and guidance. It was a joy working with him and I’m very happy how everything turned out.

For this soundtrack album we assembled every track we recorded for the film during every stage of the production. We re-recorded some of my demo tracks with live instruments to improve on their original sound, and some of the shorter cues have been combined into lengthier tracks to make for a more rewarding listening experience. I hope you’ll enjoy the album.



Duduk & Ney: Sandro Friedrich

Guitar: Riccardo Rocchi
Violin & Viola: Stefan Pintev
Cello: Boris Matchin
Keyboards: Andre Matthias

Riccardo Rocchi’s classical guitar engineer: Stefano Rocchi

Strings recorded at Just 4 Strings Studio, Hamburg
Score mixed by Jens Lück at Art of Music Studio, Garlstorf





Terreur & Glamour: Montee et declin du Studio Hammer (Bande Originale du Documentaire)
Realisation Jerome Korkikian
Musique Maximilien Mathevon
Arte diffusion Dimanche 6 Aout 22 H 30

Bobby SOLO – Album Tribute “Elvis Lives”


Bobby Solo Elvis Lives Teaser

Bobby SOLO – Album Tribute “Elvis Lives”


Digital & Physical Distribution

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard


The famous singer Bobby Solo, since the beginning of his career has been nominated “the Italian Elvis Presley”, for his physical resemblance and especially for his vocal timbre.
In the 40th anniversary of the death of “the King” Bobby Solo has been thinking of paying tribute to his idol, offering some Elivs cover with new swing arrangement, acid jazz flavor, in the new recordings produced by Sylvia Pagni and her Combo.


Bobby Solo cette voix du Sud de l’Italie qui nous avait charme d’un Lacrima sul Viso, qui coule encore sur platines et rimel, nous fait de sa reconnaissance devant le maître Elvis.

40 ans que Elvis Presley nous a quitte, 40 ans l’age d’amour ne se dement pas et on revisite et revisitera ses melodies, son timbre, ses embrasements.

Bobby Solo avec le Sylvia Pagni Swing Comba nous offre ce tour passion, explorateur et tellement de chaleur dans la voix.

Il y a toujours eu un clin d’oeil de resemblance avec l’icone americaine et l’enfant napolitain, un brin maline, un brin mutine, l’apparence en est emouvante.

On retiendra ces interpretations comme des temoignages d’amities et de reconnaissance au maître du Rock and Roll.

On s’attardera sur le Cd Digital, Cd Phyique et sur un Vinyl qui seront autant de temoin et surtout des collector a venir.

Hellen Page







Album « Red Space »

Numérique et distribution physique

Étiquette Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

Le verger


Red Space est l’espace vide, est votre espace vide ….


Red Space est l’espace vide, est votre espace vide. Il est juste à la pensée de cet espace vide que le protagoniste de ce voyage introspectif de réassemble l’auto, en remontant dans le temps, le temps passé appelé la vie.


Les globules blancs sont un mélange de rock électro, psycho pop et musique de film. Un cadre apocalyptique avec des compositions matures, simple rythmique et jamais prévisible, ont créé « Red Space ». Un voyage de recherche sonore et une dimension temporelle sans frontières, où l’introspection musicale voyage à la recherche d’une place dans les atmosphères enfumées et acide d’un avenir indéfini.

Un projet de musique en ambiances sonores parfois douces, parfois sinueuses et sombres et inquiétantes où antiparticules se rencontrent en donnant naissance à un album éclectique , mais en même temps rationnel. WBC: la nouvelle frontière des explorateurs musicaux!


WHITE BLOOD CELLS – Album “Red Space” Red Space is the empty space, is your empty … lire la suite
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Red Space by White Blood Cells on Apple Music
Listen to songs from the album Red Space, including “The Journey (feat. Isaac Asimov)”, “The Apologies”, “The Law (feat. Isaac Asimov)” and many more. Buy the album for £7.99. Songs start at £0.79. Free with Apple Music subscription.


Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Music composed and arranged by



 The Carer (End Credits Montage) by Atti Pacsay.mp3


Album The Carer (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”

Digital & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard



Director: Janos Edelenyi

Cast: Brian Cox, Anna Chancellor, Emilia Fox, Sir Roger Moore..


Dorottya is a young Hungarian actress with a burning desire: to make it on the English stage. Legendary actor Sir Michael Gifford suffers from an incurable disease, and has one desire: be left alone. When Dorottya becomes his carer they both hope their wish will be fulfilled….



Best Original Score – Independent Film Category, Nominee

Hollywood Music In Media Awards, Los Angeles.


Cristal Pine Award for the Best Original Score, Winner International Sound & Film Music Festival, Rovinj.


Best Original Composition – Feature Film Score, Finalist

International Music + Sound Awards, London UK






​​Banniere OriginE_Catherine Capozzi

 Reine de Saba by Catherine Capozzi.mp3



Album OriginE”

Digital Distribution 

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard


The Goddess of the Guitar / La Deesse de la Guitare


She is named “goddess of the guitar” in her Boston heartland in the United States, leader of Axemunkee – the two drums sets conceptual band. In her new opus, Catherine Capozzi takes us back to the origins and opens for us a door on ancient history with her chosen electrical instrument. Thus, Ishtar and the Queen of Sheba are narrated in an unprecedented French version involving her “Hors format – Oversize ” partner Christina Goh. There is a taste of elsewhere and of this universality which anchors us all in Catherine Capozzi’s guitar … When the heiress of the “red guitar” of Brian May (Queen) tells us her vision of the origins, she projects us in a future where the guitar is a fully-fledged voice.


Celle qui a été surnommé la “déesse de la guitare” dans son fief de Boston aux Etats-Unis, leader de son groupe conceptuel à deux batteries Axemunkee,  remonte aux origines et nous ouvre une porte sur l’histoire antique avec son instrument de prédilection. Ici, Ishtar et la reine de Saba sont racontées dans une version inédite en français avec sa complice « Hors format – Oversize » Christina Goh. Il y a un goût de l’ailleurs et de cet universel qui nous ancre tous dans la guitare de Catherine Capozzi… L’héritière de la « red guitar » de Brian May (Queen) en nous racontant sa vision des origines, nous projette déjà dans un futur où la guitare est une voix à part entière.







 Safe Landing by Maximilen Mathevon.mp3


Digital Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

The Orchard



Le thème de “Fly away” est l’aéronautique, et plus précisément un vol imaginaire en avion : l’excitation du décollage (« Fly away »), l’émerveillement devant les paysages (« From above »), les dangers de la rencontre avec un ouragan (« Hurricane ») et le soulagement et la joie de l’atterrissage (« Safe landing »)

“Fly away” is about aeronautics and, more precisely, an imaginary plane flight: the excitement of take-off (“Fly away”), the wonder of the landscape (“From above”), the dangerous encounter with a hurricane (“Hurricane”) and the relief and glory of the landing (“Safe landing”).

Fly Away, un temps, un envol… bienvenue en ces temps. Tournoiement dans un ciel musical, voyage electro mais pas que, car cuivres et cordes s’entremelent avec un reel plaisir. Maximilien Mathevon a le pouvoir des melodies, des compositions oniriques qui d’ailleurs se reconnaissent sur les nombreux documentaires dont il a compose les themes. Une recherche subtile, un soin des harmoniques, un regard poetique. La partition est complexe a lire mais facilite quand on l’execute avec plaisir. Ce plaisir du sens musical, Maximilien Mathevon, l’exprime tellement bien que c’est un vrai plaisir a decouvrir au fil des creations.




Since 2002, Maximilien Mathevon has composed the original soundtrack of numerous documentaries for French TV channels (CANAL+, ARTE, M6, France Televisions….).


In 2002 and 2003 he created new musical accompaniments for 12 famous silent movies as they were reissued in France on DVD (“20000 leagues under the seas”, “Outside the law”, ” Way down east”….).


Maximilien has also composed several Electronic / New Age albums, blending ethnic sonorities, classical and electro styles.



The Voice of Kazaksthan




New Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company / Sergent Major Company / The Orchard

Ref SERG142



Hommage a une grande dame.

Dame de beaute, de charme et d’amour.

Elle qui nous transportait a travers les steppes kazahke a rejoint les chevaux sauvages du vent et de l’aube eternelle.

Une voix qui ne s’eteignait jamais tant que le vin et l’amour pouvait y croire encore.

Un regard sur ces paysage sauvage de lac, de steppes et aussi de larmes et d’aventures.

Elle etait jazz et passion, elle etait flamme et embellie.

Le flambeau est cette petite lumiere que l’on s’achange par amitie…

Voila Zhanna, je te transmet le flambeau de mon amitie …

Et tes chansons sont tellement de cette fraternite. Ce n’est qu’un au revoir


Zhanna Sattarova the voice of Kazakhstan.

Graduate of Almaty Conservatory, Jazz singer, beign representative of Kazakhstan in the US, Russia, Kirgistan…

Being a representative of Jazz festivals in Kazakhstan, New York, LA…

  1. Started playing the piano at the age of 4
  2. From 7, going to musical school for gifted children
  3. From 7 to 18, being a classical piano player
  4. In 1991, Graduated Almaty Conservatory Institute as a classical piano player
  5. From 21, Started learning what the Jazz Music is by herself
  6. From 21, Started sing as a singer regarding Jazz
  7. From 23, Started being a Jazz singer in Almaty
  8. Working in the club in cities in Kazakhstan
  9. Got membership of IAJE(International Association of Jazz Educators)
  10. Being a representative of Kazakhstan in the U.S., Russia, Kirgizstan, etc.
  11. Being a representative of Jazz festivals in Kazakhstan, New York, LA.
  12. Organized many Jazz groups and Jazz Bands in Almaty
  13. She prefers to play mainstream Jazz
  14. Also enjoy playing Funk Music, Electronic Music
  15. Composed many songs and lyrics as composer
  16. 2012, released new album dedicated to Takesh Kitano(Japanese Movie Maker)
  17. Got nickname as First lady of Jazz in Central Asia






Single “Cherry Blossoms”


 Sozhou Nocturne by Hiroy Watanabe.mp3


New Cd Digital

Label Plaza Mayor Company

The Orchard


Asian beauty celebration…

The lyrics are poetic and about lovers. This song’s Japanese traditional phrases with piano will enchant you with its Asian beauty. Voice and erhu.


Hiroyo is a Japanese pianist and music creator. She is a also a composer, writer, arranger, keyboardist and vocalist.  Her playing is influenced by Jazz and Latin music.

Born in Tokyo, Hiroyo attended the music academies Maser Haus and the AN School of Contemporary Music, studying  music theory, piano, synthesizer, and computer programming. She studied vocals with Michie Nakamaru, a famous opera singer, Nathan Ingram, and others. She speaks English and Spanish.




 Truth Prevails.mp3

New Cd Digital

Label Plaza Mayor Company

The Orchard


CHAND K NOVA… The smoothy groove!


Un piano en resonance majeure, un talent en melodie, un flux de reel dans un monde virtuel. Chand K Nova est un multi instrumentiste de la guitare aux claviers dans les quartiers de la Londres couverte de nuages. Londres il s’en inspire, il s’egratigne sur les quais le soir. Londres il la couvre de couleurs, il l’enchante de petits malheurs. Homme orchestre il enregistre des sons ne venant que de lui, il peaufine dans son studio des versions ne tenant qu’a un fil.

Et pourtant c’est brilliant, c’est chaud et ca donne envie.

Voila le nouveau Ep de Chand K Nova

Chand K Nova is a multi-instrumentalist from London England. His love for guitar driven music from an early age led to him getting his hands on a guitar and he has rarely put it down since. After teaching himself how to play the songs of the bands he admired growing up, he became bored with just playing and had an urge to create, but was unable to find people to make noise with. This drove chand to learn a variety of instruments and every instrument played on his recordings has been performed by himself. He then turned his attention to creating instrumental music as an outlet for his creativity and firmly believes that every song composed has it’s own story.





Original Television Soundtrack

Music composed, orchestrated and conducted by


​​ Desde el Silencio by Cesar Benito.mp3

Album La Sonata Del Silencio (Original Television Soundtrack)”

Digital & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard


La Sonata del Silencio (The Sonata of Silence) is a story of passion, jealousy and dreams with Post-war Spain as a backdrop. Marta Ribas lives in the male-dominated societyof the late 40s, full of conflict and economic hardship. She had a happy married life with Antonio but his health starts deteriorating, so to make ends meet Marta starts looking for a job. Antonio doesn’t approve it as he  feels it damages his reputation. He controls her every step and Marta feels like a prisoner in her own home. But an unexpected opportunity crosses her path that will allow her to secure her own survival and that of her daughter, and find her place in the world.

The piano is an important element on this story. Marta is a skillful pianist and Flavio is a reputable piano instructor. Both of them had several scenes where they played piano on screen. So my first task  was to compose two original piano pieces (El Piano de Marta, and Sonata del Silencio), to give the actors enough time to learn the fingering before the shooting date.

During the scoring process I used thematic elements from those two piano pieces as leitmotivs for Marta and Flavio since they are key characters in the story.

The show was conceived without an opening titles sequence, so a main title theme was not required. But I felt the need to have one predominant theme that would convey the general sentiments of the story–anxiety, concern, anguish, survival. This theme would be sort of the spine of the score all along the series. We can hear it fully developed inDesde el Silencio, as well as sections of it in other tracks of this album.

There are other important leitmotivs in the score like the one I associated with the character of Basilio as he progressively ruins his life because of his night life and his relationship with hoodlums, smugglers and drug dealers (La Mala Vida, Malas Compañías, Clandestinos and Hacia la Perdición). I basically created leitmotivs and distinctive sonic atmospheres for all the main characters and most of the recurring situations.

I hope the listener enjoys this soundtrack album as much as I did creating the score for this fascinating television series.


Music composed, orchestrated and conduted by  CÉSAR BENITO

* Music performed by  MAD4STRINGS

* Solo Violin and  Concertino  LUIS ESTÉVEZ WINTERS

* Recorded at  ESTUDIO UNO, Colmenar Viejo, Madrid (Spain)

* Recording engineer  LUIS DEL TORO

* Coordinator  CARLOS MARTÍN

Piano and Programming  CÉSAR BENITO

Mixing and Mastering engineer  JAVIER FERREIRO

Album prodduced by  CÉSAR BENITO  and  JAVIER FERREIRO




MARNIT – Album “Respiro Di Donna”

Album Respiro Di Donna”

Digital & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd

The Orchard


La Bella donna…


Marnit Calvi, aka Marnit, from Trieste (Italy) is a singer of German origin. She recorded for the first time thanks to the “Bruno Lauzi in marilenghe” project and performed together with the great Italian singer.
Her first album as a songwriter was produced in 2011 by guitarist and producer Marco Anzovino (Gino Paoli, Fabio Concato, Pfm…). The debut album, titled “Marnit” same name, also makes use of Remo Anzovino collaboration (seven albums as a pianist and composer) in the composition of some of musics and arrangements and Alberto Zeppieri (Ornella Vanoni, Ron, Gianni Morandi, Bobby Solo, Ian Anderson…) in writing of some lyrics.

The album was appreciated at the XV edition of Randone Prize in 2011 where the singer has performed as a guest of honor, next to Tony Servillo, Adriana Asti, Enrico Beruschi… is awarded to her the Moret D’Aur emerging category in 2011 and won the Critics Award at the Friuli Venezia Giulia Film Festival 2011.

She debuted as an author for other artists in 2013, writing with Paolo Audino (Mina, Bocelli, Minghi…) the song “Cercando te”, in the first CD of Cristian Imparato (winner of “Io Canto” in 2011, on Canale 5 tv).

For the theatrical season 2016/2017 Marnit is part of the cast of the musical “C’era una volta… le favole! (Once upon a time… fairy tales!)” some productions by “All Crazy” and “Sold out”.

On March 17, 2017 here is “RESPIRO DI DONNA (Breath of a Woman)”, her second album as a singer-songwriter: a project of Alberto Zeppieri, published worldwide by Plaza Mayor Pubblishing Ltd.
All songs are written by Marnit, Alberto Zeppieri and Marco Anzovino.
The new song “Dispersa libertà”, included in the album, ranked third at the 2017 Festival of Biella.


Voice & Harp duo


They touch, pinch, pull, hit the strings, play with, make them vibrate, cry, sing, shout, whisper! One – his harp and the other – those of his voice!


Classics and jazz in the new album by Stefka Miteva and Youliana Toshkova-Patrouilleau

Promenade Andante is the name of the new album by two Bulgarian ladies who have been living in France for decades. This is their first joint project and features their own compositions. Stefka Miteva is a singer with a penchant for jazz, ethnic, she teaches music to non-professionals and conducts small choirs. Youliana Toshkova-Patrouilleau plays the harp, composes music, lectures music theory at the conservatory in Chartres and Orgеres-en-Beauce.

The duo have been working together for two years, calling themselves Cordames. “It was only natural to create our duo, after all we have known each other for 25 years and are constantly exchanging ideas,” says Youliana and adds:












A new Jazz Event….


 Dernier Train by Siks Haedo.mp3

Album Ready To Travel

Digital Distribution & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company – The Orchard.


Concert Exceptionel le 20 Avril – Sunside – Paris


Siks Haedo, le projet du guitariste et compositeur, hispano-argentin, Diego Lipnizky,

installée depuis 2012 à Paris.

Seulement 2 ans et un grand talent lui permettent de convaincre le public et les professionnels du spectacle avec son premier album “Influencias” durant la 15ème édition du Festival de Jazz de Saint Germain de Prés.

Cette reconnaissance confort le guitariste à se lancer dans la réalisation d´un deuxième album, “Ready to travel” au couleurs d´une diversité métropolitaine q´est la ville de Paris.

Un voyage éclectique partant du jazz à la musique classique en passant par la musique africaine


Siks Haedo, the project of the guitarist and composer, Hispano-Argentine, Diego Lipnizky,

Installed since 2012 in Paris.

Only 2 years and a great talent allow him to convince the public and the professionals of the show with his first album “Influencias” during the 15th edition of the Jazz Festival of Saint Germain de Pres.

This recognition comforts the guitarist to launch himself in the realization of a second album, “Ready to travel” in the colors of a metropolitan diversity that is the city of Paris.

An eclectic journey from jazz to classical music to African music



THE DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

 The Distinguished Citizen (Creditos finales).mp3

Album THE DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN” (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Digital & Physical Distribution  

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard


Selection Mostra Venizia Best Actor


After refusing big and prestigious awards all over the world, Mr. Mantovani, Literature Nobel Prize winner, accepts an invitation to visit his hometown in Argentina, which has been the inspiration for all of his books. It turns out that accepting this invitation is the worse idea of his life. Expect the unexpected when you have used real people as characters in your novels!

Toni M. Mir started studying piano at the Liceu Conservatory in Barcelona when he was 6 years old. Ever since then, music has been the passion of his life.

In 1993 Toni started working in a studio specialised in music and sound for advertising, where he worked for over 10 years composing music for the advertising world. Since then, his career

has revolved around composing for images whilst his true vocation is music for cinema.

Even though he always focused on adapting his music to the narrative objectives, Mir also knew how to develop his own unique voice and style.


Selection Mostra Venizia Best Actor

Une vraie reussite pleine dhumour Telerama

Une comedie grincante et impitoyable. Drolissime Positif

Remarquablement ecrit et joue. Tres droles Les Inrocks





EKYNOXX – Album “Retrofuture” – Single “Astrosamantha”

EKYNOXX – Album “Retrofuture” – Single “Astrosamantha”


Album Retrofuture

Digital & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard


“RetroFuture”, The debut album release from EKYNOXX could be described as “a modern concept album”. It presents a vision of the future from a number of points of view: the first is a vision of the future as seen from the past, the second is a vision of the future as seen from the present and the third and final one is a vision of the future as seen from the future, because – paradoxically – the moment that we are currently experiencing is already in the past and the next moment is in the future. The instants in our lives are like interlocking links in a chain: the past, present and future are interconnected and ceaselessly slide through time.

This concept is conveyed in the track RetroFuture, with a quote by the 20th century English writer George Orwell: “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”

Other matters covered by the lyrics include conspiracy theories and chemtrails. Black Rain is an atmospheric track that envisages the dawn of the first day after the destruction of the Earth. The apocalyptic post-atomic vision is highly evocative of how the future was pictured in the past. It presents worrying, tragic prospects that still seem possible today, but it also manages to offer messages of love and hope.

Among the many topics discussed in this debut album, there is a look at feelings and emotions as seen through the eyes of an android who is much more human than humans themselves.






Album “La lune”

La lune TEASER




 Intermezzo Op.118-2 by Masae Gimbayashi-Barbott…

Album La lune”

Digital Distribution & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard.

A Lunar travel from Masaé


Masaé Gimbayashi-Barbotte has selected 21 classical and contemporary works inspired by the lunar landscape.


Her interpretation, both poetic and particular, is due to its (Japanese) origin.

The picturesque music of Masaé Gimbayashi-Barbotte will surely take you on beautiful night walks.


Masaé Gimbayashi-Barbotte a sélectionné 21 oeuvres classiques et contemporaines qui s’inspirent du paysage lunaire.

Son interprétation, à la fois poétique et particulière, est due à son origine (japonaise).

La musique pittoresque de Masaé Gimbayashi-Barbotte vous emmènera à coup sûr dans de belles promenades nocturnes.


TINKARA – Album “Cuori Di Ossigeno”

Single “Marte E Venere”

Album Cuori Di Ossigeno”

Digital & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard


The new Italian Pop by a great vocalist

Amil Smith and Bobby Solo were last week joined forces, and together they recorded a new song entitled La cura è vivere, which will be in English and Italian version of the new album. Tinkara and at the invitation of producer Albert Zeppieri, which is a great vocal recognize Tinkara Filming took place in the intimate ambience of the Studio Videmskega Angel’s Wings in the middle of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. Bobby concedes that he looking forward to cooperation with the great vocalists who can njegovomu work give this something fresh. Further stressed the importance of the process of musical creation: all the musicians we’re too subordinate to modern technologies that allow us to bring discovery options is the completeness of our songs. Still I swear on spontaneous creative moments when the music is born out of emotion. Address Tinkarinih new albums, the first will be in English and the other in Italian, for now, remain another mystery! After the excitement of producer Albert Zeppierija over the Italian version of the Mars and Venus, tracks, however, during this period for the Italian market promises to be another single Marte e Venere.





Plaza Mayor

11:46 (Il y a 1 heure)
À moi


(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)


 Jamais Contente by Olivier Mellano.mp3

Album Jamais Contente” (Miss Impossible)

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Digital Distribution & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard.


Orignal Motion Picture Soundtrack

Composed and performed by Olivier Mellano

Feat. Da Chick – Dogg Master – Holy Ghost – MellaNoisEscape



“Mon père est atroce, ma mère est atroce, mes sœurs aussi, et moi je suis la pire de tous. En plus, je m’appelle Aurore. Les profs me haïssent, j’avais une copine mais j’en ai plus, et mes parents rêvent de m’envoyer en pension pour se débarrasser de moi. Je pourrais me réfugier dans mon groupe de rock, si seulement ils ne voulaient pas m’obliger à chanter devant des gens. A ce point-là de détestation, on devrait me filer une médaille. Franchement, quelle fille de treize ans est aussi atrocement malheureuse que moi ? »


Réalisation : Emilie Deleuze
Production : Patrick Sobelman
Société : AGAT FILMS & CIE
Coproducteur : Ad Vitam

Interprètes principaux : Léna MAGNIEN, Patricia MAZUY, Philippe DUQUESNE, Catherine HIEGEL, Alex LUTZ





“LA JEUNE FILLE SANS MAINS” Nomine aux CESARS 2017 Categorie Meilleur Film d’Animation…


« Thrill Like A blues »

danhila Teaser_jan17_rev




Album White Fly” – Single “Thrill Like A Blues

Digital & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard


L’artiste italienne DanHila présente son second single « Thrill Like A blues » , extrait de son premier album jazz / Soul / Blues « White Fly » actuellement disponible en téléchargement.


Composée par: Enzo Ferrari et écrite par: DanHila

Label Plaza Major Company

Thrill like a Blues” décrit des moments que tout un chacun a déja vécu. Des moments ou tout semble sombre, où l’envie de courir, d’exposer sa colère et de se mûrer dans son silence est pressante. Il manque cette étreinte, synonyme de force and d’amour, de vie et de passion. Cette étreinte qui pousse à se demander pourquoi la vie a toujours était aussi dure. Etre fort, croire en l’amour et la lueur d’espoir redonnent la force de retourner à son quotidien, à sa vie.

Love makes you feel, strong enough to live Love lets you dream, what your soul needs Love gives you a thrill like a blues






PIONEER – 先锋之那时青春 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Director: Taotao Wang王涛涛

Composed and Performed by Liu Ye (Jiageng Liu)刘晔(刘佳庚)

Tiger Teaser2fin

 Pioneer (On a Oat) – 誓死宣言 by Liu Ye.mp3

Album Pioneer (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)”

Digital & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard


Then the pioneer youth is in 2016 by China Radio, film and television Publishing House, the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee propaganda Department, radio and television, Beijing Jingwei star movie-media limited, kaichuang TV media company, Shanghai Cheng Xing culture dissemination limited company jointly produced the drama of war. The film directed by Wang Taotao, Tang served as art director and executive producer of Wu Pinru, Ma Xueyang, and Zhang Yuan, Liu Zhoucheng, and Xu Xiao, and Guo Ketong, and starring Gao Jian, Wang shuai, Min Jian, daitingrui etc.

Film about the Red Army during the long March, sent a team of investigation in order to detect enemy intelligence unit in the war front line fighting with the enemy fight, capturing information, helping Red Army troops fighting for the valuable information and time, completing the reds two Zunyi, won the Lou Shan Guan great victory.







INJIB KIM – Album Ep “Musiqa”

World Jazz Fusion from South Korea


 Night Party In The Desert by InJib Kim.mp3

Album Ep MUSIQA”

Digital Distribution Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard.


InJib Kim’s First Album – ‘MUSIQA*

Collaboration of World Music and Fusion Jazz! From South Korea


All composed by InJib Kim

Guitars and all synth solos(synth guitar) by InJib Kim

EVI on “Road to Home” by John Swana

Bass Guitar(track 1,2,3,4) by Muti Jeong

Piano & Keyboard (track 1,2,3,4) by YuJin Lim

Drums (track 1,2,4) by YunSang Lee

Percussions (track 1,2,3,4) by SungIl Lee

Design by JiMin Jeong (New York, NY)

All mixed by Jin Jeong

Masterd by NamWoo Kwon (JFS mastering Studio)

Produced by InJib Kim





 Wild Girl feat. Leatitia Sheriff.mp3

Album La jeune fille sans mains / The Girl Without Hands” Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Digital Distribution & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard.

France: sortie cinema le 14 Decembre 2016

 En des temps difficiles, un meunier vend sa fille au Diable. Protégée par sa pureté, elle lui échappe mais est privée de ses mains. Cheminant loin de sa famille, elle rencontre la déesse de l’eau, un doux jardinier et le prince en son château. Un long périple vers la lumière…

La Jeune Fille sans mains raconte la trajectoire d’une jeune fille dans la nature, qui passe de l’état d’adolescente pour devenir une princesse, et finalement être une femme, entière. Il y est question de son corps qui vit et palpite, mais aussi de forêts, de rivière, de montagne, de plantes, de graines… Tout est dessiné sur papier, au pinceau. On sent la trace, le grain du papier. La musique d’Olivier Mellano, je l’ai voulue en contrepoint de cet aspect naturel, je l’ai souhaité électrique, contemporaine, a priori loin de l’univers du conte. Olivier, par sa musique, permet un dialogue avec les images et les situations.





MICHALIS ANDRONIKOU – “The Norlander” (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

 01 The Northlander Theme.mp3


Album The Northlander” Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Digital Distribution & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard.


Note from the Composer – Michalis Andronikou

The Northlander (2016)


The music of The Northlander was based on two components; the need to reflect the sense of the rebirth or the recovery of the planet with the dawn of a new age on earth, and the spontaneous reaction from each moment of the film. Digging into the moment with the use of improvisation, allowed me to discover the emotion and the character of the film, shaping the sound of a “new world,” which carries memories and influences but –at the same time– it is “new” and “unheard.” Although this meta-music may sometimes give the impression of incidental sounds, and some other times may sound like repetitive minimal patterns, it is in fact an impulsive, gestural music construction, which aims on liberating the audience from any sound convention that would predetermine the audience’s perception. In a way, the year 2961, after humanity and nature has recovered the land, is the time when sound and music are being rediscovered, following the search of Cygnus, for an answer for his people and his real identity.






PHIL MOSSMAN – “EMELIE” Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

 Emelie Opening Theme by Phil Mossman.mp3

Album Emelie”Original Motion Picture Soundtrack

Digital Distribution & Physical Distribution

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard.



A prolific film composer, Phil has scored thirteen full lenght features including a slew of Sundance hits such as Mike Cahill’s “Another Earht”, and “Iorigins”, Jim Mickel’s “We Are What We Are”, Jon Watts’ “Cop Car”, staring Kevin Bacon, Michael Thelin’s, and most recently the Netflix original, “Mercy”.


Emelie Theme:

Very much like coming full circle, this track has a similar vibe to our start but there is a clear difference. Something has changed, as it has in our little hero and things will never be the same. This was one of the toughest sounds to get right and Mossman really took inspiration from the slow motion, which was the only time it was used in the film, and was able to nail the end by coming full circle with this boy’s arc.  Well done Sir!!

Michael Thelin





DJ THOR – Album “The Anzonvino Experience”

Single “The Other Side Of Atlantis”

Now out in Digital – Cd – Vinyl

Electro Italian feeling

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard



The new album by Andrea Thor Schianini aka Dj Thor product along with record Italian Alberto Zeppieri


The Master is considered by critics and the public one of the most original and innovative composers in circulation, Anzovino Remo is one of the leading exponents of Italian instrumental music.


Thor has completely revisited some compositions Anzovino creating new and previously unreleased tracks with maximum freedom in harmony with the pianist who granted total autonomy.





Plaza Mayor

02:36 (Il y a 10 minutes)
À moi






 Someone Else.mp3


CD Ref PMC 816 1238

Label: Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Distribution: The Orchard

Christophe Kittler, the electro pop of a mysterious loner, cut songs in melody and accuracy of a secret world of elegance.

To discover !


Christophe Kittler, album du meme nom, est une “pierre brute” tellement adoucie aux melodies, aux sons que le saint graal de la nouvelle pop est tout proche. Dans son precedent album “Simple life” un Abbey Road Studio pointait aux oreilles. Dans le nouvel album entre Each Day, Free, Welcome in My Life… on a le frisson d’un voyageur, l’egarement du poete et la fraicheur d’une musique incandescente. Wifi, casque virtuel…. Pour une bien musique reelle, celle-la, arrachez vous Christophe Kittler.

Hellen Page – Music En Tete – Le Nouvel Obs


Christophe Kittler, la pop electro d’un mystérieux solitaire, des chansons taillées dans la mélodie et la justesse d’un monde de secrètes élégances. 

A découvrir !








Isa Somparé – Album “ Rouge a reve”

New Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company / Sergent Major Company / The Orchard

Ref SERG155


Isa Somparé … Du Smooth qui groove !

Auteur, compositeur, interprète, Isa Somparé produit et réalise aujourd’hui son premier EP  « Rouge à Rêve ».

Son style le classe dans la catégorie pop française. Fille de Gainsbourg et de Barbara, l’écriture en est à la fois légère et profonde, et la musique est un mix : La tradition du jazz synthétisée façon french touch… Le groove de la musique black allié à la délicatesse de l’électro pop française.

Un son  frais et moderne, de vraies mélodies, et des paroles, qui sont loin de n’être qu’un prétexte.

Découvrez « Rouge à Rêve » son premier EP


Isa Somparé… The smoothy groove!

Isa Somparé is a songwriter. Today she’s producing her first album titled “Rouge à Rêve”

Her style is definitely French pop. An evident heiress to Serge Gainsbourg and Barbara, two famous French songwriters and singers. Isa’s writing is both soft and profound, and her music is a mix between jazz tradition and French touch… Black music with its groove married with the subtlety of Chanson française.

Fresh sounding, real melodies, and sensitive lyrics that are far from being the sideshow.

Discover “Rouge a Rêve” her first album Now.










Digital Distribution & Physical Distribution

The Orchard

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd


Hors format – Oversize Single – Christina Goh & Catherine Capozzi




La fusion entre la vocaliste française Christina Goh et la guitariste psychédélique américaine Catherine Capozzi sur un djembé ne pouvait produire que cet opus intensément musical à l’énergie magmatique ! Réalisé entre Boston aux USA, Tours en France et Saitama-Ken au Japon, ce single tout en différences et équilibres nous transporte sur une autre planète…

Ne pas se fier aux apparences… Ces deux artistes charismatiques nous avaient prévenus : “Sans offense… C’est hors format”.




The fusion of their talents with the djembe instrument could only produce this “Out-of-Format” magmatic opus. Through two titles enriched by their contrasts and differences, French vocalist Christina Goh and the psychedelic American guitarist Catherine Capozzi embark us on an energizing journey carried from Boston, on the Eastern Coast of the US to the Center of Tours, France, through Saitama-Ken, Japan. Everything is not what it seems… They warned us: “No offense, it’s Out-of-Format”.






VINNY CRYME – The Sound Machine Vol.1


Album The Sound Machine Vol.1

Digital Distribution & Physical Distribution

The Orchard

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd


The project Vinny Cryme – The Sound Machine Vol.1 born on the idea of a Buddha Bar and Chill Out experience mixed with blues, funk and mediterranean influences.


This project is really international with a London touch in the production.


Vinny Cryme is a vintage funk / blues guitarist and bass-player coming from Marsala (Sicily), a city near the Egadi Islands and the border of Africa.


So the new ethno vision of Vinny Cryme put together the Italian soul of the extreme south of italy with elements of Africa, mediterranean culture and London hippie ideas of guitars and bass lines.


The project is produced by Dh Thor and Alberto Zeppieri.






MILK AND COFFEE – 40 Years Of Great Italian Melodies

Album “40 Years Of Italian Melodies – vol.#1”.

Digital Distribution The Orchard

Physical Distribution Emi

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd


“Milk and Coffee” is the name of an Italian music group which is a great example of Italian Melody in the world.
It’s been really famous in Europe and South America, from the end of 70s / beginning of 80s.
This is the 40th year of their activity.

Giancarlo Nisi (composer, vocal and guitar) and Florence Cavaliere are respectively the frontman e the first female voice from the beginning of their story.
Barbara Bert and Kiné Fall brought new energies and important inputs and stimulations to the vocal harmonies and creativity of the band.
All them, thinking about putting together a record with a medley of their best hits, plus new songs and one or two covers, now are proud to present you “40 Years Of Italian Melodies – vol.#1”.


“Milk and Coffee” fetent 40 and de carriere et de succes avec leurs Melodies italiennes.

Connu et reconnu en Europe, en Amerique du Sud, depuis la fin des annees 70s aux annees 80s.Le groupe est compose de Giancarlo Nisi (composer, vocal and guitar) Florence Cavaliere les deux fondateurs du groupe.
Barbara Bert et Kiné Fall viennent apporter une nouvelle energie et une creativite vocale au groupe.

Leur nouvel album comprend le Medley de leur succes (titres repris en France par Dalida, Karen Cherryl…) et de nouvelles chansons.















New Single “Fly 1214”

New Album “ANNA 2.0”

Italian classic & amazing World


Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref: SERG137


Anna 2.0 is the evolution of the project Anna Nash, born with the album “Rondò” (2014).

Once again the violinist and singer of Italian origin.
Anna says: “I thought I’d make accessible to more people as possible the beauty of the great lyrical melodies and Italian classics, adding a bit of techno and instruments that make that music more current.”


New Cd – Anna Nash – “Fly1214”

Album “Anna 2.0”







Le Chinois & friends – Album “Jazz Manouche” Beaute manouche et jazz…


Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref: SERG153


Le Chinois: Sebastien Kauffmann

Guitariste passionne, le desir de faire de la musique un métier est ne de sa rencontre avec Yorgui Loeffler. Ce dernier devient alors son professeur, qui lui donne son nom de scene, mais deviens surtout son ami. En 2007, il fonde un duo avec son cousin Djanito Felix et ils sortent un premier album “Fusion”. Ensemble, ils parcourent la France (Olympia a Paris, Festival Jazz a Colmar…) et recoivent le 2e prix du Jardin des Tuileries a Paris. Depuis 2013, le Chinois multiplie les projets artistiques (concerts avec Robert Merian, Billy Wiess) et est devenu professeur de guitare. Il organize depuis de nombreuse Master Class. En 2014, il reprend avec Yorgui Loeffler la chanson de Michel Legrand “Les Parapluies de Cherbourg”. Sebastien enchaine les participations dans les festivals, en trio: Swing 41, Festival Jazz Manouche, Poet Laval….







ABIAH – Album “Bottles”

The Soul Voice….


Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref; PMC 816 1266


Exceptional Voice, Feeling Heritage…


Album “Botles” is a new sense of freedom to create and take things futher and even take some risks.

Partning with bassits and co-producer Keith Witty.

Recording in studio with a touring band: Marvin Sewell, Chris Eddleton and David Rosenthal.

“We’d been playing new songs on the road over the last two years, which helped me to be much clearer about what to record” ABIAH.







LILLABOX – Album “Faidherbe Street”

Un plaisir tout neuf

Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref; SERG150


Tournée au Canada de juin à août 2016

Concert le 15 septembre 2016 au Divan du Monde 75018 Paris


Lillabox is a guitar/cello instrumental duo founded in 2013 by Alex Hetzel and Mathieu Deranlot.

Dynamic bows and inspired riffs allow them to explore and merge different influences, for a brand new style: “contemporary world music”, in the borders of jazz, rock, and arab-andalusian music


C’est une musique originale et émouvante, fusionnelle et ouverte sur le monde, résolument actuelle, que Lillabox

nous offre pour un plaisir tout neuf.

Leur musique inventive et passionnée stimule l’imaginaire, nous entraîne dans des paysages sonores surprenants …

L’énergie débordante et la créativité qui s’en dégagent crééent la surprise.











Maximilien MATHEVON – Album “WILD”

Wild exploration and emotion…


Cd Digital

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref PMC 816 1263


Since 2002, Maximilien Mathevon has composed the original soundtrack of numerous documentaries for French TV channels (CANAL+, ARTE, M6, France Televisions….).


In 2002 and 2003 he created new musical accompaniments for 12 famous silent movies as they were reissued in France on DVD (“20000 leagues under the seas”, “Outside the law”, ” Way down east”….).


Maximilien has also composed several Electronic / New Age albums, blending ethnic sonorities, classical and electro styles.


“WILD est mon nouvel album. Cette fois-ci, il ne s’agit pas vraiment d’une BO: Depuis longtemps j’ai souhaité mettre en musique un documentaire animalier sur la vie sauvage mais n’en ai jamais eu l’occasion. J’ai finalement décidé d’en composer la musique malgré tout – une musique pour un documentaire imaginaire et idéal.”









Album “Intuitivo”

The Lyrical Voice of Jazz


Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref SERG 151


French of spanish origin, Maria Moreno was born in Bordeaux where she studied the lyrical repertory and then in the Conservatoire de Paris ( CNSM).
She perfected his repertoire with the greatest names of the world of opera , Renata Scotto in New-York, Elisabeth Cooper in Paris, Walter Cataldi-Tassoni and Paolo Montarsolo in Roma.
At the same time she studied the classic dance, modern-jazz.
She began her career in Sicily under the name Maria D’aragnès.

She works in France and many international Opera House, United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Italy, Spain, Germany, Swiss, Austria, China… where she interprets The greatest heroine of Classic repertoire.


De son univers lyrique, Maria Moreno nous offre, pour son premier album jazz ” Intuitivo”

un mélange des genres.

Sa tessiture de chanteuse d’opéra lui permet d’accéder aisément au registre de soprano à celui de contralto. Ayant acquis une technique vocale, elle devient l’une des plus belles voix du jazz.







“DEFENDERS OF LIFE” (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

A film by Dana Ziyasheva

Music by Andjei Petras


Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref; SERG152

The first fiction feature film made with and about the Ngöbe indigenous community of Costa Rica. Starring Carmen Romero, Arman Darbo and Beatriz Brenes.


“The Hunchback of Notre Dame” on Ngöbe Indigenous Territory – a full-length fiction feature film (2015) presented by Igor Darbo.


Hidden in the hills of Southern Costa Rica, the Ngöbe Indian community is blowing on the last flames of an ancient civilization. For Doña Carmen, the fight to pass on traditional ways of life will take a threatening turn when she walks young Esmeralda to her first-blood ritual…

Andjei Petras

Scriptwriter, Director, Composer & Producer


Director and scriptwriter of feature films and TV series. Composer for cinema, theatre and television. Producer of his own projects.


Among awards for original music – the Grand Prix of the festival FIPA (Biarritz, France) for original music, film “Franz+Polina” (director Mikhail Segal) and National film critics award  “White Elephant” (Russia, Moscow) in the category “Best music”, film “Short Stories” (director Mikhail Segal).








Jazz in tradition & modern pure


Cd Digital

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref; PMC 816 1254


This album takes the best of three studios recording sessions, featuring both original works and re-arrangements by Tullia Morand, saxophonist and young jazz artist on the parisian scene. She’s surrounded with great french jazzmen to realise this tracks both faithful to the classic jazz tradition and modern, pure and subtle tones.


Cet album réunit les meilleurs moments de trois séances d’enregistrement en studio. Il s’agit de compositions et d’arrangements signés Tullia Morand, saxophoniste et jeune artiste de la scène jazz parisienne. Elle s’est entourée de grands musiciens de jazz français pour réaliser ses titres dans une atmosphère à la fois instinctive et fidèle aux racines du jazz dit “classique” mais aussi contemporaine et épurée.









José Fallot & Friends, Another Romantic Volume II

Single “Cold Friday”


Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd/ The Orchard


Fallot’s new album has a precious touch of timeless elegance. No doubt the leader’s fine bass playing and his artistry in composing have a lot to do with that. As a matter of fact, his music is not of the kind that struggles and roars. Smoothly running on the safe and bright side of jazz, it flows with taste and mastery, always paying attention to melody and balance. All along the album the band are exploring various forms with the light of a new approach to something familiar and never they get lost in that wide set of atmospheres. Using a strong sense of musical treatment, they refresh our ears plainly with the spirit of both respectful ingenuity and change. The result is a brand of convincing and classy music, opened to a large range of listeners from jazz to pop.


Cold Friday”

composed under the shock of the Paris events last November.








Korean Pop / K-Pop


New Cd Digital


Extrait “I Love You Song”

Plaza Mayor Company ltd / The Orchard

Ref PMC 814 975


The Voice of K-Pop made famous after the season 4 of the competition on TV Talent show “K-Pop Star”.


Upon its release, her new songs will be in most of the national chats in South Korea.

a voix de la K-Pop rendu celebre après la saison 4 de la compétition la télévision talent show “K-Pop Star»











PARIS SOUS LES EAUX (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)



New Cd Digital

Plaza Mayor Company ltd / The Orchard

Ref PMC 815 1131



Éric Beauducel et Olivier Poujaud
Format : HD 4K
Durée : 52 minutes

Une coproduction Froggy Images, France Télévisions et AB Productions – Avec la participation de Toute l’Histoire, TV5 Monde et la Région Aquitaine – Avec le soutient du Centre National du cinéma et de l’image animée, du CNC – Nouvelles technologies en production, la Procirep – Société des producteurs – et de l’Angoa

– 20 janvier 1910. La Seine quitte son lit et déferle en une semaine dans la capitale et sa banlieue. Les rues sont immergées et la capitale en pleine modernisation est totalement paralysée. Plus de transports en commun, plus de chauffage, plus de communication, plus d’électricité… Paris est rapidement surnommée dans la presse « Paris-Venise ».
En suivant un journaliste et un photographe du Petit Parisien, le plus important journal de l’époque, à la rencontre de la population et des acteurs principaux de la catastrophe, ce film va faire revivre cette « semaine terrible » heure par heure. L’occasion de découvrir un Paris méconnu, de suivre la plus importante couverture médiatique de ce début de siècle et de comprendre comment la ville-lumière a traversé l’une des pages les plus spectaculaires de son histoire.




guelassemou cover

The first album of the master percussionist Thomas Guei.
Originally from an artist family, especially Gloe drummers (aka krin, name used in Guinea, or aka lokole in Congo), Thomas Guei had in mind to compose a mix from djembe and gloe. Thoses two musical instruments are his trademark.  GUELASSEMOU is an anthology which emphasizes traditional (flaly, abodan, tématé) and urban rhythms (zouglou) of Côte d’Ivoire.




Martial Henzelin la Compil



Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref SERG115


Album de chansons réarrangées, re mixées

issues d’un répertoire de créations.

Textes en français et quelques refrains en anglais

musiques inspirées du groove, du jazz et de la funk

French touch.







“Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong”

(Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Director Emily Ting

Music by Timo Chen


Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard

Ref SERG143


An attraction forms when a Chinese American girl visiting Hong Kong for the first time meets an American expat who shows her the way, but timing may not quite be on their side. A walk and talk romance set in the beautiful city of Hong Kong, the film asks the question – what happens when you meet the right person at the wrong time?







DJ THOR – Album “The Anzonvino Experience”

Now out in Digital – Cd – Vinyl

Electro Italian feeling on air…


Cd Digital & Physical & Vinyl

Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Sergent Major Company ltd

The Orchard



The new album by Andrea Thor Schianini aka Dj Thor product along with record Italian Alberto Zeppieri


The Master is considered by critics and the public one of the most original and innovative composers in circulation, Anzovino Remo is one of the leading exponents of Italian instrumental music.


Thor has completely revisited some compositions Anzovino creating new and previously unreleased tracks with maximum freedom in harmony with the pianist who granted total autonomy.










Single “FREE”


CD Ref PMC 816 1238

Label: Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Distribution: The Orchard

Christophe Kittler, the electro pop of a mysterious loner, cut songs in melody and accuracy of a secret world of elegance.

To discover !


Christophe Kittler, la pop electro d’un mystérieux solitaire, des chansons taillées dans la mélodie et la justesse d’un monde de secrètes élégances. 

A découvrir !













EMBRACE OF THE SERPENT (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Music Nascuy Linares

Director Ciro Guerra

Oscar Nomination 2016

Selection Quinzaine des Realisateurs – Cannes

French Title “L’Etreinte du Serpent”



Cd Digital PMC 816 1233

Label Plaza Mayor Company ltd

Distribution The Orchard


The story of the relationship between Karamakate, an Amazonian shaman and last survivor of his people, and two scientists who work together over the course of 40 years to search the Amazon for a sacred healing plant.



“Voyage vers ce monde irrémédiablement disparu, filmé dans un magnifique noir et blanc, riche d’une infinité de nuances, l’Etreinte du serpent est aussi un grand film d’aventures, une sorte de bande dessinée parcourue par d’étranges personnages (…).” par François-Xavier Gomez (Libération)


“Ciro Guerra explore la jungle colombienne dans un noir et blanc halluciné. Plus mystique que contemplatif, toujours en mouvement, ce périple herzogien offre une saisissante radiographie de la destruction des cultures indigènes, aux confins de la folie.” par Eric Vernay (Première)






Minjung Lee Quartet Cd cover

MINJUNG LEE QUARTET – Album “Turquoise”

A Jazz vocalist made in South Korea


Plaza Mayor Company ltd is proud to announce Minjung Lee Quartet’s first album after ten years performing on the Parisian scene. It contains Lee’s original compositions as well as two Korean traditional songs which were arranged in jazz. “Turquoise” was inspired by the traditional rhythms during Lee’s trip to Turkey and composed at Festival de Marciac…


Andrea Camapagnolo guitar

Wesley Barbe drums

Kentaro Susuki bass

Min Jung Lee vocal





Mountains May Depart (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

Music Composed by Yoshihiro Hanno

Director Jia Zhang-Ke

Selection Officielle Competition Festival de Cannes

French Title “Au Dela des Montagnes”

Japan Title “山河ノスタルジア”

China Title “Shan He Gu Ren”



China, 1999. Childhood friends Liangzi and Zhang are both in love with Tao, the town beauty. Tao eventually decides to marry the wealthier Zhang. They soon have a son he names Dollar… From China to Australia, the lives, loves, hopes and disillusions of a family over two generations in a society changing at breakneck speed



“Jia Zhang-ke met en scène une glaciation progressive des rapports humains, une “éclipse” des sentiments, sur fond de matérialisme, de technologie et de migrations sans fin. Mais sa fougue romanesque, son énergie pop et ses talents d’artificier conjurent la froideur du constat : cette fresque somptueuse nous donne moins le bourdon que le frisson.” par Louis Guichard (Télérama)

“Au regard de son précédent film, le virulent “A Touch of Sin”, “Au-delà des montagnes” est aussi un retour à un ton plus calme, et aussi un appauvrissement, qui en fait un film mineur.” par Ariel Schweitzer (Cahiers du Cinéma)






Danhila White Fly

DANHILA – Album “WHITE FLY” – Single “RUN” (Radio Mix)


DANHILA inspired by soul gospel and jazz music.

Danhila currently lives between Rome, Vienna and London, working on the creation of her first solo album called “WHITE FLY”

Recorded and mixed by Mimmo Cappuccio at Robin Hood Studio of Naples (Italy).

Mastered by Frank Arkwright sound enginnering at Abbey Raod Studios London (England).


Cd Digital & Physical

Plaza Mayor Company / Sergent Major Company / The Orchard

Ref SERG144








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