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  5. The 32 year old Irvington man was shot just before midnight in the area of the Naughty by Nature show and the man died just a short time later at University Hospital, said Anthony Ambrose, the chief of detectives for the Essex County Prosecutor Office.

  6. Arnold Arkelius Kirkland, 70, of Franklin, passed away on Dec. 25, 2012, at his residence surrounded by his loving family.

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  12. 10. At Mr. Geisel/Dr. Seuss’ request, he was cremated and did not have a memorial service or tombstone erected when he died

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  18. Dans l’茅pisode En taxi, elle enfile un faux ventre (devant tout le monde) pour faire croire qu’elle est enceinte et 茅viter la file d’attente. Elle parfume le chauffeur pour lui faire comprendre qu’il ne sent pas bon, elle lui dicte son itin茅raire en mimant la voix d’un GPS, elle le d茅crit au t茅l茅phone comme un individu louche.

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  23. La semaine dernière, Benjamin Siksou était en résidence au Festival International des scénaristes de Valence. Au bout de plus de 2 jours de brainstorming créatif, Benjamin et Alexis Pivot (pianiste/claviériste et compositeur) ont écrit 3 compositions originales. Ce sont ces compositions qu’ils ont jouées vendredi 4 avril devant le public éclectique du Pop Cabaret du Festival. Alexis apportait une touche électronique à la performance, Benjamin une pincée de groove. Ils ont poursuivi le spectacle en interprétant quelques reprises, pour celà, ils ont même fait appel à des volontaires et []

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    The challenge was to create a space that was friendly and inviting with room to entertain, still grow flowers and edibles, yet was not an energy hog. Easton came up with a plan after much thought and professional consultation. Then she wrote a book about what she’d learned.

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    Still, was essentially insurance that covered disability, said Melissa A. Thomasson, economics professor and health care expert at Ohio Miami University. the time, the expenses associated with medical care were low wage loss was a much bigger financial hardship, by a 4 to 1 ratio, when someone missed time at work.

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    Since the safe haven law went into effect four years ago, only 67 babies have been safely surrendered in California. Since the law was enacted, Faris Cifelli has buried fewer babies each year though no one knows how many have died.

  36. object in the June 5 WWII sale has an incredible story to tell, said Tom Lamb, Bonhams business development director for the books and manuscripts department in New York. bear witness to the war unparalleled turmoil, and testify to the bravery of many individuals as well as entire nations. than half of the 350 lot auction is owned by Brown, a military historian and collector who also owns the original 12 foot tall version of the sculpture depicting the raising of the American flag at Iwo Jima. Inspired by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal famous image of the event, Felix de Weldon made the stone monument seven years before his larger bronze of the flag raising was installed in Arlington, Virginia, as the Marine Corps War Memorial. The original statue failed to sell during a February 2013 auction at Bonhams.

  37. “Plants propagated from the herbaceous borders will be for sale in the small perennials nursery on the property,” Ms Finch said.

  38. (François Rabelais / 1484 1533 / Gargantua / 1534)

  39. C’est un choix de mauvais go没t pour certains, une honte pour d’autres, mais pour Charafat Afilal, la ministre en charge de l’eau, la djellaba choisie par Nabila Benkirane, 茅pouse du Premier ministre marocain, lors du d卯ner offert par les Obama 脿 Washington, 茅tait 茅l茅gante, belle et choisie avec go没t .

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