JULIAN LENNON Infos nouvel album après 8 ans avec un invité STEVEN TYLER
http://popcultureclassics.com/deja.htmlJULIAN LENNON – “EVERYTHING CHANGES”
His first album since 1998 was well worth the wait. This ranks as quite possibly his greatest work to date. He writes gorgeous melodies, evidenced here with such tunes as “Everything Changes,” “Hold On,” “Guess It Was Me” and the poignant piano ballad “Beautiful” and “Disconnected.” His earnest, insightful lyrics and plaintive vocals make the music moving. Steven Tyler joins him on the optimistic “Someday,” an endearing ditty. Bloodlines are irrelevant. The simple fact is, Lennon has matured into one of our finest singer-songwriters.
His first album since 1998 was well worth the wait. This ranks as quite possibly his greatest work to date. He writes gorgeous melodies, evidenced here with such tunes as “Everything Changes,” “Hold On,” “Guess It Was Me” and the poignant piano ballad “Beautiful” and “Disconnected.” His earnest, insightful lyrics and plaintive vocals make the music moving. Steven Tyler joins him on the optimistic “Someday,” an endearing ditty. Bloodlines are irrelevant. The simple fact is, Lennon has matured into one of our finest singer-songwriters.