#TBT It was pointed out to me that this week on August 21st the House of Lords album « Sahara » was released, uh, a googleplex of years ago. This album remains one of my favorites that I was involved with for a number of reasons, including some songs that are still meaningful to me to this day.
We had some fun writing this album, and really approached it as a band; rehearsing the songs up completely in our rehearsal studio and recording demos on our Akai 12 track recorder. I suppose this is the way songs were intended to be made back then, as it truly was a group effort. Gene Simmons was around doing his job as well, helping choose the songs, and giving us great feedback. Gene is a very smart man, and had some valuable input. I always liked working w Gene, and many of you know that when I was a kid, KISS was the reason I went into rock music. (I guess I should blame them. I might have had a great jazz career?) JK
Andy Johns was the producer on « Sahara, » and he had recorded our first album as well. It was always fun working with Andy, and he was an amazingly talented engineer. Also, I had around this time recently discovered Led Zeppelin, which Andy also engineered, and so I would ask him tons of questions about how they tracked, what the drum mic setup was, how Robert Plant was in the studio, how long they took to record, etc. etc. That was also amazing to me; hearing those stories from someone who was actually there. And he had some great stories!
Anyway, happy Throwback Thursday and have a great weekend!!
#houseoflords #sahara #TBT #kenkmary #genesimmons #kiss #andyjohns#ledzeppelin

Which clauses in the Human Rights act does Theresa May and her friends wish to remove? And what do they want to add? Anyone know?
Does not appear to be an end to ruthless, undemocratic measures against majority, contrary opinion(s). 😠

Pierre Terrasson a ajouté 14 photos à l’album ballade au bord du gouffre / ardeche 2016.
ma nouvelle piscine ? Thibaut Doncker Julie Terrasson

Jamie Floyd a été identifié(e).

JoAnn Bottari Floyd a partagé la publication de Bart Herbison— avec Jamie Floyd.
Tom & I are asking that all of our musician friends will share this on behalf of our daughter Jamie and all of the other hard working musicians & songwriters everywhere…..