Return bears to the wild

World Animal Protection – August 2014
Return bears to the wildDear Bellanger,For more than three years Lily was held captive for use in the brutal blood sport of bear baiting in Pakistan.

At each event she would be tethered to a pole, enduring at least three rounds of fighting dogs trained to attack her. While each round lasts only three minutes, before judges decide whether the dogs or the bear ‘wins’, in reality none of these animals win — bear or dogs.

Can you imagine what those 180 seconds of terror felt like for Lily?
Thanks to generous World Animal Protection supporters like you, Lily was surrendered to the care of our Balkasar sanctuary where she gets to be a bear again. There are about 40 bears in Pakistan urgently in need of protection from the misery that Lily endured. With your support we aim to protect Pakistan’s bears by ending this cruel practice for good.Please donate now to protect Pakistan’s bears and other animals from suffering.On behalf of Lily and the other animals who will have much better lives because of your gift today — thank you.
Bears are forced to fight for their lives in Pakistan
Bears in Pakistan are forced to fight for their lives. With your support we can fight to end this cruel practice and give these bears and other animals a much better life. Image: Bioresource Research CentreDonate-now-button.jpg
Josey's Image Sincerely,
Josey Kitson
Executive Director
World Animal Protection Canada

P.S. When we started our work to save bears from baiting, just 16 years ago, there were an estimated 1,000 events being held. But thanks to World Animal Protection supporters like you, only nine bear baiting events were held in 2013! You can achieve amazing progress for animal protection. Please donate now.

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