by Dr. Boyce Watkins I took a little time off to see “The Wolf of Wall Street,” a new film featuring an arrogant, intelligent, yet incredibly irresponsible stock broker by the name of Jordan Belfort. …

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by Mary Thorson The Oxford Dictionaries ( defines crowdfunding as “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.”…
U.S. Marines Slaughter<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
              4-Year-Old Afghan Boy, Blaming ‘Poor Visibility’

U.S. Marines Slaughter 4-Year-Old Afghan Boy, Blaming ‘Poor Visibility’

by David Bloodsaw The U.S. Marines accidentally killed a 4-year-old Afghan boy, blaming “poor visibility.” A disturbing story out of Helmand Province in Afghanistan has increased frictions between the United States and the Kabal. Apparently the Marines stationed there thought there was an enemy present, opened fired, and killed a 4-year old boy.  The child […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More#

Gullible? Shaquille O’Neal Believes New Jersey<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
              Governor Was Ignorant of Administration’s corruptionPoliticians aren’t the only ones expressing their opinion regarding Traffic-gate, the malicious lane closure on the country’s busiest commuter bridge in New Jersey. Now, the one and only Shaquille O’neal is weighing in on the controversy. We all know former NBA future Hall of Famer recently endorsed Governor Chris Christie for re-election. He even shot […]

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Dr. Swygert: White Crackhead Congressman Escapes<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
              Prison And Unemployment, Blacks Should Be Outragedby: Dr. Samori Swygert The rapture-like incarceration of African Americans has decimated the African American community.  It’s blatantly clear that two systems of justice exist for blacks and whites!  The selective enforcement of authority and skewed application of justice are at work NOW! The African American community needs to flood their local congressman, President Obama, […]

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Civil Rights Leader Nearly<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
              Killed At All White Lunch Counter Dies At 73Franklin McCain, one member of the famous Greensboro Four, who were refused service at the lunch counter of F.W. Woolworths’s store in Greensboro, NC has died at the age of 73. Mr. McCain, along with the other three student friends, Joseph McNeil, David Richmond, who died in 1990, and Ezell Blair Jr., now known as […]

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What’s Hot on



12 Years A Slave Actress Is Now The Face Of A High End Fashion Brand

12 Years A Slave Actress Is<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
                Now The Face Of A High End Fashion Brand

By: Stephanie Allen-Gobert “It’s a new era in fashion – there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together.” This powerful quote by Alexander McQueen holds true to many models. It definitely holds true to the model, Lupita Nyong’o. Nyong’s is the […]

January 12, 20142 CommentsRead More

Jennifer Hudson’s Former Teacher Says She Loves To Give

Jennifer Hudson’s Former Teacher Says She<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
                Loves To GiveBy Lillian Armstead She has always been a giver, stated one of her teachers.  Jennifer Hudson received an award for favorite humanitarian at the People’s Choice Awards earlier this week.  Not only does Jennifer give her fans the best that she has to offer in her singing engagements, she is also know to give back […]

January 11, 2014No CommentRead More

Malcolm Jamal Warner: Please Don’t Call Him Theo

Malcolm Jamal Warner: Please Don’t Call Him TheoBy: Stephanie Allen-Gobert Bill, Phylicia, Denise, Rudy, Vanessa, and Theo. The Huxtable family.  The 80′s sitcom, was loved and liked by millions of Americans during its eight seasons on NBC (from  1984-1992). The loveable family will never be forgotten. One of the famed actors from his role on the show, “Theo”, really doesn’t want to […]

January 9, 20141 CommentRead More

Will.I.Am Criticizes The Voice

Will.I.Am<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
                Criticizes The VoiceApril Taylor The Voice is a reality show that just completed it’s 5th season on NBC.  Contestants on the reality show compete for $100,000 and a record deal with Universal Music Group.  While the show has generated a respectable number of viewers, it has yet to produce a singer who has successfully climbed the music […]

January 8, 2014No CommentRead More

Will Smith Shares A Touching Moment About The Uncle Phil

Will Smith Shares A Touching Moment<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
                About The Uncle PhilBy April Taylor With all of the celebrities who have spoken publicly about the passing of James Avery on New Year’s Eve at the age of 68 due to complications from open heart surgery, the one voice that has been missing is that of his Fresh Prince of Bel-Air costar Will Smith. Fresh Prince of […]





How To Deal With Being Let Down By Friends

January 6, 2014


By Penny  Jones-Richardson Have you ever been so excited about something and as soon as you told someone about your dreams or plans, they said something negative and then down went your joy.  Why do we allow people to do this to us?  It is usually someone very close to us who we think should be as excited as we … Read More »

Rita F. Pierson: “Kids Don’t Learn From People They Don’t Like”

January 6, 2014

rita pierson

By Lillian Armstead Education is a valuable resource and should never be underrated.  Establishing relationships in the education process is vital in the development of not only a student’s academic progress, but in building positive self-esteem.  Rita F. Pierson, a staunch advocate for education died last year; however she left behind a legacy totaling 40 years of teaching aids for … Read More »

Is Your Career Choice A Personality Mismatch?

January 3, 2014


by TemTi Sahu Ra Job seekers and employers can both utilize personality tests in the employment selection process. Job seekers can get the benefit of making the right career choices, while employers can get to identify unique character traits from jobseekers that can bring true success to a job position than just knowledge and skillset alone! Unfortunately, there are a lot … Read More »

Wait! Are You Leaving The Relationships Too Soon?

January 3, 2014

leaving relationship too soon

By TracyMac As a coach and mentor, even though I help people with their lives, I get help with mine too. I have had coaches, mentors and relationships that have been very helpful to me. After all, every coach should have at least one coach or mentor themselves. And through being coached, as well as within some of my most … Read More »

by Dr. Boyce Watkins I took a little time off to see “The Wolf of Wall Street,” a new film featuring an arrogant, intelligent, yet incredibly irresponsible stock broker by the name of Jordan Belfort. …




By Dr. Boyce Watkins I write open letters to my daughters periodically as a way to help heal the tremendous damage from broken families in the African American community.   These thoughts are typically inspired by…


Did You Know that Black Babies Were Once Used as Alligator Bait?

Did You Know that Black Babies Were Once Used as Alligator Bait?

by Dr. Boyce Watkins This video is shocking and hurtful to watch, but an important part of black history.  We bring these things to you because there is…



Martin Luther King “Freedom 2 Twerk” Poster Draws Angry Fire From Thousands

Martin Luther King “Freedom 2 Twerk” Poster Draws Angry Fire From Thousands

When the youth have not been educated about black history, you sometimes end up with deformities of thought and flat out abominations.  This is the imagery that people…

January 13, 2014 / / Read More



Nomalanga’s Mindful Mondays: How and Why I Stopped Hoping

Nomalanga’s Mindful Mondays: How and Why I Stopped HopingBy Nomalanga Mhlauli-Moses One of my Facebook friends shared that she had stopped trying-not in the way that one would think. What she meant was that she no longer said…



Detroit City Council Member Off the Hook After Liquor and Weed Allegedly Found in Vehicle

Detroit City Council Member Off the Hook After Liquor and Weed Allegedly Found in Vehicle

Most people who are stopped and found to be carrying an open container of alcohøl as well as marijuana are due for a trip downtown, but one Detroit…

January 13, 2014 / / Read More

Memphis Police Opened Fire on Two Men for No Reason, Claim Families in Lawsuit

Memphis Police Opened Fire on Two Men for No Reason, Claim Families in Lawsuit

Two Memphis, Tennessee families have filed wrongful dea†h lawsuits claiming that police fatally shøt family members for no reason. Fox 13 in Memphis reports that the families of…

January 13, 2014 / / Read More

Why Aren’t the NAACP Image Awards Just for Black People Anymore?

Why Aren’t the NAACP Image Awards Just for Black People Anymore?

The acronym NAACP stands for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, but are African-Americans the only group of people who can advance the rights of…

January 13, 2014 / / Read More

Respected Entertainment Agency Accused of Creating a Black Client-White Rep Race Hierarchy

Respected Entertainment Agency Accused of Creating a Black Client-White Rep Race Hierarchy

Reported by David Bloodsaw William Morris Endeavor Agency (formerly William Morris Agency), headed by Ari Emanuel, is one of the most powerful, influential and star-laden entertainment agencies in…


What’s Hot in Your Black World?

paul morton

Bishop Paul Morton Is Now Rejecting The Godless Democratic Party
By Lillian Armstead “For the first time in my life, I’m coming out as an…
January 12, 2014 | 31 Comments

christians and fornication

80% Of All Christian Singles Are Fornicating
By Lillian Armstead Sεxual purity remains a big deal for some Christians.  However 80 percent…
January 12, 2014 | 7 Comments


Bringing Justice To Rwandan Genocide Requires A Committed Effort

Bringing Justice To Rwandan Genocide Requires A Committed Effortby Connie K. Grier Think all investigators sleuth around in black trench coats and fedoras?  Think again. As reported in the New York Times, Alain and Dafroza Gauthier have served as investigators for 13 years; determinedly collecting information to support their assertions that they have made about 24 Rwandan men and women currently living in […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More

Handcuffed Teen Allegedly Shot Himself While In Custody

Handcuffed Teen Allegedly Shot Himself While In CustodyBy April Taylor Police in Durham, North Carolina have presented the preliminary findings from an internal investigation regarding the alleged suicide of Jesus Huerta, a 17 year old, who reportedly took his own life while detained in the back of a squad car.  Huerta was arrested after being reported missing by his sister and providing […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More

Harvard Couple Paid Their Housekeeper $4 Per Week

Harvard Couple Paid Their Housekeeper $4 Per WeekApril Taylor Richard and Martha Smalanskas, a couple from Boston, have pled guilty to charges of violating the Fair Labor Standards Act.  A charge of harboring an illegal immigrant is reportedly being dismissed.  The charges stem from the fact that the couple illegally smuggled a Bolivian woman to the United States after allowing her to […]


Wow: This 10 Year Old TED Speaker and “President” Has Some Great Advice For You

By: Krystle Crossman Robby Novak has made a name for himself as the “Kid President”. He is an inspirational and motivational speaker at TED conferences. Amazingly Novak is only 10 years old. He has some words for the people out there and almost 27 million have viewed his powerful speech on Youtube. Here are five […]

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Dr. Boyce: Depending on White Institutions to Teach Black History is Like Letting them Poison Your Children’s Brains

by Dr. Boyce Watkins I did an interview recently discussing the extraordinary life of activist poet Amiri Baraka. Baraka was a man of courage, dignity and commitment who paved the way for all of us to be stronger than we’ve ever been before.   Baraka’s life was full of many of the ups and downs […]


Look: Kerry Washington Is Glowing as She Debuts Baby Bump

Look: Kerry Washington Is Glowing as She Debuts Baby Bump

By: Krystle Crossman There have been rumors flying for months that Scandal actress Kerry Washington was pregnant and last night at the Golden Globe Awards those rumors were put to…




Guess Which Obama Piece of Clothing is<br />
          Headed to the Smithsonian?

Guess Which Obama Piece of Clothing is Headed to the Smithsonian?

When President Obama was elected, he made history by becoming the first black president, but Michelle Obama also made history as the first black FLOTUS. It is the…

January 13, 2014 / / Read More #

Why Are<br />
          NFL Players Being Rοbbed So Much?

Why Are NFL Players Being Rοbbed So Much?

By David Bloodsaw Philadelphia Eagles wide receiver DeSean Jackson’s house has been rοbbed of jewelry and cash totaling $250,000.00. The residence is located in South Philadelphia near the…

January 13, 2014 / / Read More #

Police Say Handcuffed Teen Shot Himself in the Head:  Family Says « BS » 

Handcuffed Teen Allegedly Shot Himself While In<br />
          CustodyBy April Taylor Police in Durham, North Carolina have presented the preliminary findings from an internal investigation regarding the alleged suicide of Jesus Huerta, a 17 year old, who reportedly took his own life while detained in the back of a squad car.  Huerta was arrested after being reported missing by his sister and providing […]

Why Does No One Care About The Atrocities In Rwanda?

Why Does No One Care About The Atrocities In Rwanda?

By Dr. Sinclair Grey III Unrest in Rwanda still exists. Twenty years ago, the commander of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in Rwanda wrote a coded cable that…

January 13, 2014 / / Read More #

Bar Patron: “Well If a N*gger<br />
          Can be President, Then I Can Have Another Drink”

Bar Patron: “Well If a N*gger Can be President, Then I Can Have Another Drink”

After President Obama’s election, many pundits speculated on whether we were now living in a post-racial America, but Chris Arnade, writing for The Guardian, recalls something he overhead…

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Amiri Baraka’s Daughter Was Murdered in 2003- 10 Interesting Facts

Amiri Baraka’s Daughter Was Murdered<br />
            in 2003- 10 Interesting FactsBy Yolanda Spivey Many either loved Amiri Baraka’s writings or hated it.  Born on October 7, 1934, in Newark, New Jersey, Amiri Baraka was an American poet and wrote numerous dramas, works of fiction and essays.  And although many praised his works over the years, holding it in high regards, others condemned his work for […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More

Dr. Sinclair Grey III: Bankrupting The Prison System – Part 2

Dr. Sinclair Grey III: Bankrupting The Prison<br />
            System – Part 2By Dr. Sinclair Grey III It goes without saying that the prison system isn’t really concerned with correcting and/or rehabilitating those convicted of a crime. Let me say that many people leave prison reformed, but there is still a problem when recidivism occurs too frequently. Cheap labor and profits have kept prisons full and as […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More

Bringing Justice To Rwandan Genocide Requires A Committed Effort

Bringing Justice To Rwandan Genocide<br />
            Requires A Committed Effortby Connie K. Grier Think all investigators sleuth around in black trench coats and fedoras?  Think again. As reported in the New York Times, Alain and Dafroza Gauthier have served as investigators for 13 years; determinedly collecting information to support their assertions that they have made about 24 Rwandan men and women currently living in […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More

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Marvel Is Releasing A Set Of Heroes And None Are White Men

Marvel Is Releasing A Set Of Heroes And<br />
              None Are White Men

By David Bloodsaw It looks like there are big things coming from Marvel Comics this year. This is no surprise, because Marvel has been rocking the comic book industry with big events in recent years. Big events are character re-boots or a major catastrophe in the comic book world that requires superheroes joining forces and […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More#

Guess What Terrell Owens’ New Wife Does For A Living?

Guess What Terrell Owens’ New Wife Does For<br />
              A Living?By April Taylor Terrell Owens is no stranger to controversy, and while his recent headline grabbing news is not nearly the most controversial thing he has ever done, it is turning heads.  A report on is stating that Owens is engaged to a woman named Rachel Snider.  It is also reported that she works […]

January 12, 20141 CommentRead More#

12 Years A Slave Actress Is Now The Face Of A High End Fashion Brand

12 Years A Slave Actress Is Now<br />
              The Face Of A High End Fashion BrandBy: Stephanie Allen-Gobert “It’s a new era in fashion – there are no rules. It’s all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together.” This powerful quote by Alexander McQueen holds true to many models. It definitely holds true to the model, Lupita Nyong’o. Nyong’s is the […]



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Brought to you by The Great Black Speakers Bureau, the #1 black speakers bureau in the world.  

Marissa Alexander Twist:
          Counselor In The Sheriff’s Office Being Investigated

Marissa Alexander Twist: Counselor In The Sheriff’s Office Being Investigated

By Connie K. Grier reports that a Jacksonville, Florida judge has ruled that Marissa Alexander will remain free on bond after prosecutors accused her of violating her home detention by going on excursions not approved of by the court.  While prosecutors stated that these violations were deliberate, Circuit Judge James Daniels expressed  “This was […]

January 14, 2014No CommentRead More

Octomom Facing 3 Felony Charges for Welfare Fraud

Octomom Facing 3 Felony Charges for Welfare Fraud

By Barry Burch Jr. Having 14 children will not land you in jail, but attempting to feed them just might, if you do it with funds the IRS doesn’t know about. Nadya Suleman, better known as Octomom, became popular internationally after giving birth to octuplets in January of 2009. Suleman’s octuplets serve as the second […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More

          Did This Newborn Baby Get A Broken Leg?

How Did This Newborn Baby Get A Broken Leg?

By Connie K. Grier Fox 5 out of Atlanta reports that a newborn that has a broken leg is at the center of a police investigation On January 7, 2014, Nekisha Fears gave birth tom her daughter Harmoni.  On the 7th, Harmoni had no medical concerns.  On the 9th, according to Fox news, that changed […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More


Autopsy Reveals that James
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Autopsy Reveals that James Avery Had A Tall Pile of Serious Health Problems

by James Jackson The deαth of the late James Avery (aka Uncle Phil) from the hit television show, “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”

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Millions of Women on the Verge of Being Homeless

Millions of Women on the Verge of Being Homeless

By Connie K. Grier As many women reach pinnacles in areas such as politics and degree achievement, there is a significant segment of the female population that either faces or lives daily with poverty and teeter on the verge of an economical wipeout. The Grio shared the findings of a new report just released regarding […]

Release Political Prisoner Robert Seth Hayes: A Granddaughter’s Heartfelt Appeal

Release Political
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By Myaisha A. Hayes Last Spring while in Cape Town, South Africa, I had the opportunity to thank Desmond Tutu personally for his letter of support for my grandfather, Robert Seth Hayes, a former Black Panther Party member and one of America’s longest held political prisoners in the United States. The love and compassion I […]

January 13, 2014No CommentRead More

Dr. Samori Swygert: The Flyest Black Woman- Bessie “Queen Bess” Coleman

Dr. Samori Swygert: The Flyest
          Black Woman- Bessie “Queen Bess” ColemanDr. Samori Swygert Who is Bessie Coleman, and why is she the flyest black woman to me?  Bessie “Queen Bess” Coleman was the first African American Female Aviator, and entertainment pilot.  Bessie Coleman was born January 26, 1892 and died April 30, 1926.  American History makes a big fanfare about Amelia Earhart, but Bessie Coleman got […]

          Clinton’s Longtime Friend to Head Howard University’s
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Bill Clinton’s Longtime Friend to Head Howard University’s Presidential Search Committee

Howard University President Sidney Ribeau resigned without warning in October of last year and now the premiere historically black college, which has been financially struggling, is searching for…

January 14, 2014 / / Read More #

BY:  John “Hennry” Harris When you are from the ‘hood’, there is an expectation placed upon you to ‘give back’ if you are able to reach a certain level of success.  It is very similar…

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Sanders Teases Return to Action BY: Brandon Simmons There are few athletes who hold the athletic ability and entertaining personality like Deion Sanders. For 13 seasons, he has amazed the NFL with his defensive prowess…



melissa harris perry

Yvette Carnell:  About Melissa Harris-Perry Being America’s Foremost Public Intellectual…

January 13 Black Newsybw 0 comment
by Yvette Carnell The Atlantic’s Ta-Nehisi Coates set off a firestorm of debate when he anointed MSNBC’s Melissa Harris Perry as America’s foremost public intellectual. Here’s the criteria Coates …


In New Orleans Mayor’s Race, Obama Bets on White

January 13 Black Newsybw 0 comments
“It certainly can’t hurt when you’re a (white) candidate before a majority black electorate,” UNO political scientist Ed Chervenak said of Obama’s endorsement of Landrieu. Not too long ago P…

Man Files Class Action Lawsuit Against Facebook For ‘Humiliation’ Over False Endorsement of USA Today

by Daphne R Most people flock to Facebook without knowing all the implications of being a user. Facebook has many terms and conditions that people don’t usually read…

January 12, 2014 / No Comment / Read More

Kinky Technology: Pantyliner Vibrates on Bluetooth

By Daphne R A sex toy company called OhMiBod has released a new product that’s a vibrator which connects by way of a Bluetooth device to your smartphone.…

January 10, 2014 / No Comment / Read More

Xerox CEO Speaks On The Failings Of Social Media

By Dr. Sinclair Grey III In a discussion, Xerox’s CEO, Ursula Burns is very direct and frank about people knowing too much. In other words, some of the…

Beeban Kidron: “If We Want Different Values We Have To Tell A Different Story”

January 14, 2014


By Lillian Armstead  Human beings are chronic storytellers.  From the beginning of time, we as a human race have been great tellers of tales.  Cavemen utilized rocks to tell stories.  We manage to tell our stories through blogging, journaling, poetry, authoring books and even parables and fables.  We deliver stories to our children, leaders, and friends. We fall short however … Read More »











































































































































































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