Kader Sundy infos concerts
Kader Sundy
Bonjour ou Bonsoir Ami(e)s Facebookiens… Kader Sundy and team ont le plaisir de vous annoncer , la venue du nouveau CD, courant les mois a venir.. pour cela nous contactons nos Ami(e)s FB, pour un petit geste et faire partie de cette aventure , par le biais d’une petite contribution, pour aider a realiser ce projet… merci pour votre soutient, Kader Sundy team
WEBSITE: http://artistecard.com/kader
Hello or Good evening Friends Facebook … Kader Sundy and team are pleased to announce the arrival of the new CD, running the coming months .. for this we contact our friends FB, for a small gesture and be part of this adventure, through a small contribution, to help realize this project … thank you for your support, Kader Sundy team
Last Minute****Last Minute****
i will be hosting
» TheThe Groovetramps Sunday Afternoon Blues Jam »
Sun, Jun 18 @ 3:00 PM — 7:00 PM
192 Brewing Co., 7324 NE 175th St, Kenmore, WA
The Groovetramps:
Melanie Owen on bass,
Joseph Barton on guitar
Rick Jacobson on drums

THE DUET…@ Cask & Trotter, lynnwood -WA –
… » Lennox L Holness is not basically a blues bassplayer, even if he controls the 12 Bars, it would be a mistake or rather a standart to say that he is reggae bassist, because he is Jamaican … No Sir, let me explain, …Lennox is a nomad of modern times, he sounds like you are in the corner of a beautiful fire anywhere with a good friends…. . His open-mindedness in music, makes you travel from one place to another on the planet, especially when he plays the SafarBues (blues spirit on an African rhythmic) … this duo is going to be exceptional, and especially this is the first time we have to play a duet, after a little more than 7 years that we play together. »….
Original Photo: Joyce Ford
« https://www.facebook.com/events/647220025485276/?active_tab=about
MAY 23
HOSTING : Blues, Brew & BBQ Jam,, W/ Tommy Cook
*****KADER SUNDY « LIVE » *****
–Friday, APRIL 7…9pm @ Engels Pub, Edmonds, WA.
–Saturday, APRIL 8…9pm @ Raging River CafeClub, Fall City

Kader Sundy a ajouté 3 photos.
*****KADER SUNDY « LIVE » *****
–Friday, APRIL 7…9pm @ Engels Pub, Edmonds, WA.
–Saturday, APRIL 8…9pm @ Raging River CafeClub, Fall City
Daniel McMillin: Drum
Lennox L Holness: Bass
Original Kader Sundy photo: Denise Hathaway
kader sundy sur breizh fox radio Rediffusion, mercredi 10, jeudi 11 et dimanche 14 aout a 20 h hhttps://www.radioking.com/radio/breizhfoxradiohttps://www.radioki

Dano Mac Productions a ajouté une photo au journal de Edmonds All Stars at Taste of Edmonds — à The Taste Of Edmonds.
*COMING SOON *********************
——-Evelyn’s Tavern
Jul, 15 07:30 PM
Special Presentation
Kader Sundy: Guit/Voc
Jim McLaughlin: Harmonica
Alan Edwards: Acoustic Bass.
12667 WA-9, Clear Lake, WA 98235
——–Rockos FireSide/ Everett
Jul, 22 08:30 PM
Blues & SafarBlues Style
Drum: Bill Ray
Bass: Scotty Harris
7520 Beverly Blvd, Everett, WA 98203
———Yuppie Tavern/Kirkland
Aug, 06 08:30 PM
Blues & SafarBlues Style
Drum: Bill Ray
Bass: Lennox L Holness
12031 Totem Lake Way, Kirkland, WA 98034The unique sounds of Kader Sundy’s mesmerizing SafarBlues, are composed of “African rhythms fused with the funky sounds of Chicago style blues and Arabic lyrics”. Kader Sundy will get your heart pumping and feet shuffling with his crowd moving Chicago funky blues. From within the confines of the big city, you will find your self swept away to the vast spaces of the Sahara with the unique sounds of his mesmerizing SafarBlues. And finally, your musical journey will make you feel as if you are in the heart of the colorful and sophisticated cafes of the Champs Élysées with the sounds of Kader Sundy’s breath taking, French blues … “. Originally from Paris, France, Kader Sundy crossed paths with famous bluesmen like Luther Allison, Corey Harris, Little Milton, Willie Kent…and Amar Sundy. From this collaboration with Amar Sundy, Kader mixed Chicago blues together with traditional French music, and music from North Africa to create what he calls“ SafarBlues Style “. He has played various clubs and festivals throughout France, Europe and Africa with his music. A concert at the famous Olympia venue in Paris gave him a chance to play with Joe Louis Walker. Kader Sundy is a very skilled guitar player who feels at ease on stage, you will feel the magic of the unique sound he creates as he crosses Chicago Blues and traditional African rhythms » Since 2007, he moved over the US and has made Seattle his home. He played festivals: Folklife , Tacoma « Old Blues festival »….., clubs: Jazzbones/Tacoma, Highway 99/seattle, the Swiss, The Spar, the Salmon Bay Eagles…, to name a few. Press: » Le Courrier « . 2002 » …TWO MEETINGS HAVE DETERMINED his musical career. In 1996, he met Jean.Pierre Vignola, who initiated the first « blues sur seine » festival. Thanks to him, he participated in several festivals as a volunteer where he met great blues masters, particularly Amar Sundy. Sundy and Kader share in common their native roots of Algeria. Sundys unique style of blues combined with traditional Arabian music drew Kader to become mentored by him. Inspiring him to find a new way to express himself through his own compositions, a combination of Chicago blues and African sounds. -
Kader sundy » live «Friday, April 15th , 9 PM @ Rocko’s Fireside KADER SUNDY Live Bill Ray Drum Lennox L Holness Bass Robert G. Giles, will open a couple songs at 8.45pm Photo K…youtube.comKader Sundy « Looking For You »Kader Sundy https://www.facebook.com/SafarBlues with Daniel McMillin & Jamie Vandall on drums, Alan Edwards on bass: performing at the All-Star Jam for LAD ~…youtube.comKader Sundy « Live » @ The OVP/ Lynnwood, WATitle: Najma( Amar Sundy) Lennox L Holness: BASS Bill Ray: DRUM Michael Baxter: KEYBOARD Dec, 26th, 2015 Show booked by: Dano Mac Production ( Daniel McMillin )youtube.common band: drum: bill ray, dernier drummer the ike Turnewr tour in europe , tu as du surement le voir au meridien, basse: Lennox H Holness: from jamaica, une pointure: https://youtu.be/Ac3hHNmIHzQLecole sundy….https://youtu.be/gQifkqShnAkHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERETT ROCK
Thank you for the great video work 😉
Kader Sundy
*** May 7, 2016 : Anchor Pub/ Everett. ***